Cardiac Coherence: the door to emotional intelligence
“The only way to achieve permanent Emotional Intelligence is through Cardiac Coherence.”
What is Physiological Coherence?
Coherence is the term used by scientists to describe a state of high psychological efficiency in which the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine and immune systems are working efficiently and in harmony. Coherence is the basis of optimum performance and health in the human being.
Greater coherence = less stress
How does it work?
The heart has its own neuronal circuit interrelated with the emotional brain that controls the emotions and physiology of the body.
When we are stressed our body is not synchronized due to negative emotions, causing disorder in heart rate and the nervous system that leads to the blocking and inhibition of the neurocortex or rational brain. In contrast, positive emotions create harmony in the nervous system and heart rate, provoking unblocking at the level of the brain, at the same time the rest of the systems of the body synchronize in this state that we call COHERENCE. Because coherence propitiates mental clarity and a capacity to take better decisions, it makes it easier to face any situation of stress.
How can you develop Physiological Coherence?
emWave® technology (emWave ® Desktop and emWave® PSR) and Quick Coherence training, developed by the HeartMath Institute in California (USA), makes the process of change in the person to a coherent state easier, with the capacity to change to a permanent coherent state and with optimum emotional intelligence, increasing with practice.
The patented emWave technology is based on 20 years of scientific research directed by Dr. Childre in the HeartMath Institute, pioneer center and a reference in the understanding of the dynamics of emotional psychology and the interactions between the heart and the brain. Many of his great discoveries have been incorporated into the creation of the technology that monitors the level of cardiac coherence.
The research at HeartMath Institute has demonstrated that the changes in heart rate, also called variable cardiac rhythm (VCR), reflects the emotional state of the human being. The analysis of VCR is recognised as a powerful means of measuring nervous dynamics, and through numerous scientifically demonstrated clinical studies its effect has been related to problems of health and performance.
The research and development carried out by HeartMath Institute have been acknowledged over several consecutive years with prizes for innovation.
emWave Technology
emWave Desktop®
This software allows you to see the behaviour patterns of the heart in real time on the computer screen.
Using the quick coherence technique you can visualize heart rate changes. The software is a trainer of heart rate coherence designed so that the user anticipates, controls and reverses the effects of stress. The aim is to increase the level of coherence in each session and the software lets you record the progress.
emWave PSR® (Personal Stress Reliever)
The emWave PSR® (Personal Stress Reliever) is a portable system of reduction and control of stress that fits into the palm of the hand. The PSR reads the heart rate through contact with the thumb or by means of a sensor On the earlobe, permitting immediate retrofeeding by means of a system of light and sound changes.
Due to its size, you can use the PSR anywhere and at any time whenever a control of the emotions is necessary, while at the same time you can visualize the increase in the person’s coherence level. Using the PSR only a few minutes each day means you can learn quickly and permantly to change the way of reacting when faced with stress and how to recover from it effectively.