Legal and privacy notice
In accordance with that stipulated in the Ley Orgánica 15/99 del 13 de diciembre de 1999 regarding Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal (protection of personal information details), IDEES I INNOVACIÓ, S.L. and its website fulfils the legislation in force with respect to the protection of personal information and contact with those undersigned, and details are held in the strictest confidentiality.
In agreement with the legislation currently in force regarding data protection (LOPD), as well as matters concerning services of the society of information and electronic business (LSSI-CE), the user accepts that the data contributed by means of this web page be incorporated into the IDEES I INNOVACIÓ, S.L. index with the purpose of providing the services requested and the future sending of information regarding special offers, new products, services or for other reasons that IDEES I INNOVACIÓ, S.L. should have to contact the user / client.
Through the use, on the part of the user, of the contact forms and the e-mail address provided on the web page the client specifically authorizes IDEES I INNOVACIÓ S.L. to send business correspondence by ordinary or electronic mail.
The information that is received will be used exclusively for proposals inherent to each service and will not be communicated to third parties.
IDEES I INNOVACIÓ, S.L. will guard personal data that it has obtained and adopt the necessary measures to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or access to those unauthorized.
Clients and/or user of can, at any time, exercise their right to the access, rectification, cancellation of and opposition to their personal data, communicating in writing to IDEES I INNOVACIÓ, S.L. C/ Josep Carner, 17, 08530 La Garriga (Barcelona) or by sending an e-mail to
Registration data:
General information for the fulfilment of the Ley de Internet 34/2002:
C.I.F.: B65277618
Address: C/ Josep Carner, 17
08530 La Garriga (Barcelona) Spain
Tel: +34 902 34 34 74
Fax: +34 93 871 87 64
IDEES I INNOVACIÓ, S.L. is the owner of the domain name and Internet pages whose address provides access.